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In our Gospel for this Sunday, Jesus sends the Twelve out in pairs and gave them authority over ‘unclean spirits’. We are not told precisely what these unclean spirits are or what damage they do to people but they most certainly were forces that tormented God’s people and deprived them of the gift of peace. As his disciples, Jesus sends us out with his spirit of healing and hope and with a strength to combat and defeat any unclean spirits that divide the human heart and damage the human soul. This is particularly important when it comes to our mental health that is being challenged by so many factors today. Because of his resurrection, Jesus assures us that all will be well in time and that there is hope because of his presence with us. Christian hope is not pretending that troubles don’t exist but rather the hope that they won’t last forever - that hurts will be healed and difficulties overcome. Led by the Holy Spirit that is always clean and holy, we will emerge out of the darkness and into the light that never ends.

Fr Billy Swan


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