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Fr Billy Swan

Dear friends. On this First Sunday of Lent, I would like to share a few thoughts on fasting. The main reason is because of Jesus’ decision to fast in the desert for 40 days which connects his experience to ours for the 40 days of Lent. Also, because I believe that the traditional practise of fasting is in crisis. Let’s be honest, we don’t take it too seriously anymore. It’s true that as children, many of us gave up sweets for Lent or gave up something that we liked. Looking back, it wasn’t always clear why we were fasting – what was the purpose of it all. For many, when childhood ended so did things like fasting for Lent. Fasting today or eating less is almost exclusively associated with losing weight and living a more healthy life-style. Therefore, we badly need to rediscover the meaning and value of fasting in the Christian life.

First of all, there is a very practical reason why we fast. We do without so that others might do with. This means that if I give up a meal once a week, the money I save can go into the Trocaire box for example. Someone else will then benefit from my sacrifice. It’s that simple. Moreover, when I fast like this, I am entering into a real solidarity with people who have only two meals a day, or only one at best. When our bellies are full, we rarely think of these people. But when we fast, we become one with them. Even for a while, we suffer with them, which draws us into the battle to combat world hunger, poverty and how we can help.

Second, fasting is a means and never an end. There is a very important spiritual dimension to fasting in that it helps the soul turn back to God. It is a practise that Jesus endorsed and practised himself. This is a point that has been largely forgotten and neglected. The truth is that we all have needs and desires. We hunger for many things but hunger most of all for God. Not all of our needs and desires pull in the same direction. If we spend our lives trying to satisfy all our desires then we end up like a balloon that keeps taking in air until eventually it bursts. This is part of what drives a culture that consumes more than it needs; a culture that seeks to satisfy the body but not the soul. We are a delicate mix of body and soul and both are competing for our attention at any given time. But which of our appetites steer the ship? Whether we are aware of it or not, our body is ordering us around most of the day: ‘Feed me, please me, sleep me, pamper me, wash me, relieve me’. While the needs of the body are certainly important, fasting is one of the ways the Gospel teaches us to ensure that the body and its desires do not become our master.

Some time ago I watched an episode of The Late Late Show that included an interview with Philly McMahon, the Dublin footballer, who lost a brother through drug abuse. Strategies of dealing with drug addiction were discussed but what received little attention was the strategy of teaching ourselves and our children to say ‘NO’ - No to drugs and no to anything else that leads to harm. By fasting from these things, we say ‘NO’ in order to say ‘YES’ to God and the life he wishes for us. This will not be ours without some degree of sacrifice and discipline which fasting teaches us. Fasting reminds us of the highest good there is which is God himself and to choose him and his ways above all things.

Therefore, fasting is always joined to an internal conversion of the heart that conforms itself more and more to the heart of Jesus - to his way of thinking, acting, loving and to his very nature. The end point of this process of conversion is worship where faith in Christ leads to loving him which leads to adoring him and worshipping him as our Lord and God. This is what the first reading is about when it talks of ‘bowing down in the sight of the Lord your God’ and in the Gospel where Jesus refuses to bow down and worship Satan to worship God alone.

Friends, we change when our habits change. Fasting, especially during Lent, is a good habit when we do it for the right reasons: to do with less so others can do with more as we unite ourselves closer to God and his ways so that He becomes our master and not our desires.


1 Comment

janny smith
janny smith
2 days ago

Thank you for sharing such valuable insights! I've been looking for information on this topic for ages, and your post is exactly what I needed. As I am fresher and looking for some guidance on leo and pisces friends, I have none other than you in my mind for some information and suggestions. Have a look at our website and share your feedback and tips with us. Waiting for your blogs!

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