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"Live a life of real spiritual amazement through placing it completely in me. The surrendered prayed life is one of peace, joy and gentle holding. Yes, this is for you. My dream for you is for life to the full and eternal peace in my presence. Be glad and rejoice that all has been won for the good and achieved through my love. Simply live in my love and rest completely. Allow my dream for you to come to full fruition and be of service to others on your way. Pray amen to all in the sure knowledge that I go with you always as your guide."

"There is no scarcity in my abundance. For all that needs to be done, under my spirit and timing, there is rich abundance. Strike out into prayed action from this heartfelt understanding. Listen to your life whispering the next steps to living more fully alive, the joy of my active will. Yes, I come to greet you, to tell you for sure, this is your way ahead. Walk it in faith and joy. Be amazed."

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